Thursday, March 17, 2022

Blogging Thoughts 2022

I wonder what it will be like to start all over again in blogging.  What will be my first post like?  Will it be something like what I wrote way back in 2006?  Boredom.  It is a sad, sad word.  I could not recall what I was doing then 16 years ago.  Maybe I was in some crossroads of my young career that I wanted to be doing something else.

This blog is supposed to be a secret repository of my thoughts - my leftover thoughts.  That is why I used a pseudo-name.  I wanted to explore the internet, grow in it, like it is my own fantasy world.  I had a few short stories and poems posted  somewhere in the internet.  Everyone else at that time was having fake names.  I'm not sure if they wanted a new persona that is different from reality.  I don't know their reasons, or maybe it was something like a therapy for them.  I am not a recluse though.  Promise.

Time came when some readers (which are mostly bloggers, by the way) question the authenticity of some other bloggers' posts. People were asking bloggers their credentials.  What makes you an authority to write this or that? It was difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.  As for me, I didn't care if a post is true or just something created from one's imagination. If it was beautifully written, then go.  If the post is sincere, or funny, then go. The search for truth is up to the reader.  And blogs written by anonymous bloggers are not good sources for it.  Entertainment-wise, maybe yes.  By the way, I didn't doubt any of those bloggers whom I connected in the past.  I think they were all sincere and real people.

Then there was Facebook. Connect here and connect there.  Gone are the pseudo-names.  It became difficult to hide in the shadows.  Why are we hiding anyway?  No, there was no malicious reason at all. It was just like a kind of fun to be shrouded in a little mystery.  Then there was Twitter.  Short puns and plenty of meanings.  Who has the time to read lengthy posts when there is microblogging?   So every other blogger went to twitter to promote his/her posts.  I didn't follow that path.  I created another persona in twitter.  But then, some fun things never last.

Probably it's time to explore blogs once again.  I definitely don't want tiktok.  Those dancing turn me off. 

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