Sunday, May 28, 2023

Revive That Blog

I miss my blogs.  I miss reading blogs of my friends.  I'd like to blame Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, WeTv and mobile games for that. 

I don't like the idea that we have to reveal ourselves to give credibility to what we write. Though I am a Finance professional, I do not want to write about it.  The topic bores me.  Give me some spice.  Writing about something else is like the adding flavor to life.  My first post was about boredom though.  Ah!  I remember what I was doing that time exploring blogspot at my cramped office table.  And that was more than 17 years ago.

How time flies!  Some bloggers I used to follow had passed on to eternity.  Some are still living yet missing.  Maybe we were not close enough to be included in the Facebook circle. How are they now?   

It's like every year I wanted to revive this blog.  But I can't seem to do it.  The longing was just a longing, never proceeding.  Tell me how to revive the passion for blogging.

Like a dying tree in a parched land, this is how I describe my passion for blogging. 

But should I 'level up' instead?  Leave behind my leftover thoughts and go with the juicy.

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