Coffee breaks
Here’s an interesting link about coffee breaks: Coffee-breaks sabotage employees’ abilities.
I love coffee breaks and I love coffee more than any other drinks available (save for water).
I’ve always been a coffee drinker since my elementary school days. Back then, I would get a large covered mug, put 2 tablespoon of Nescafe, and mix it with a half cup of sugar. Add some ice, and shake it. It will take me a couple of hours to consume the whole thing, while studying my lessons at the same time.
In college, I only drink coffee at home or in some dunkin’ donuts store where my friends would usually study. I cannot afford to buy those expensive drinks with only a P30/day allowance, inclusive of fare and meals. Coffee at home is cheap. I even bought rice coffee, and that “Dragon” coffee.
During my first job as an associate at PWC, coffee was free flowing. My buddy and I consumed more than half of the supply. No, we did not consume it on our first week. Between us, we drank at least 6 cups a day. After a few years, supply was cut. But we managed to sneak a few cups from our boss’ supplies, whenever we craved for a cup during overtime. Coffee is a good friend when I have plenty of work to do.
But my wife and I debate on the pros and cons of coffee. The Nestle ad about oxidants favored me. She, being of the medical profession, mentioned studies about caffeine. My replies were always the same: I only drink at most 3 cups a day, a safe figure mentioned in all the studies.
For me, coffee keeps me sane and energized for work even at very long hours. I can't really imagine a world (much more a workplace) without coffee and coffee breaks.