Monday, June 21, 2010

Thoughts on Fathers' Day

An hour had passed and today is no longer Fathers' Day in our part of the world. But I can't stop thinking as I saw posts and pics in Facebook about my friends' thoughts on Fathers' Day.

One posted a general greeting of 'lots of hugs to all Fathers out there'. From what I know about her family, her dad has a new family now, and it was her mom who solely raised her and her sister.

Another one had posted a pic of her and her father. Such a lovely scene, and some lines she posted that would make you green with envy. But a year ago, it wasn't the same. She told me she hates her dad for having vices and for not giving them enough attention. She even blamed him for what happened to his brother.

In another entry, a lady friend thanked her current partner for having changed for the better and for being a good father to her children. Knowing the guy, I hope he is for the long-term.

I would have wanted to post something on Facebook about my Dad but I restrained myself for reasons that I can't explain. So I just decided to post it here - my thoughts on my own Dad this Fathers' Day.

1. Dad loves my mom so much. I never heard them argue, whether in secret or in public. Dad always takes good care of my mom and he is always there for her. Dad never keep anything secret from mom.

2. Dad loves us his children very much. He provided for us, and he spends time with us, and he tells the world of how proud he is in whatever success that we had.

3. Dad has his faith grounded in God. Dad always reminded us of God's words and that we should live by it everyday in our lives. Here's Proverbs 3:1-4 "1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. 3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."

4. Dad told us to live in peace with everyone. Even if we had uneasy and jealous neighbors, dad always treated them kindly and fairly. "This is how people will know that we are Christians", was how he told us.

5. Dad told us to be thankful and be content of what we have.

6. Dad told us to help those who are in need and not to expect something in return. Many times I witnessed the ungratefulness of some people he helped. But those situations didn't deter my dad from helping more people, even if he has no money left.

I thank the Lord for my Dad! I know it's not enough to remember him on Fathers' Day. Every day should be Fathers' Day.

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