Friday, December 21, 2007

The Game of Chance

What is so attractive about gambling when the chance of winning is close to nil? My grandpa loves cockfighting, and he is seldom absent from the Sunday affair, even at the point of skipping church. Even in the game of checkers, he loves putting up bets against daring challengers. At both games, he has 50-50 chance of winning.

When he lived in a care home in America sometime in the late 2000, he sneaked out with another retiree and went to Vegas to spend a few hundred bucks. He did not report any winnings. Just break even, he said. If he will learn about online casino, I’m sure he’s going to try his luck into it.

You see, internet gambling is so rampant these days that websites like offers review on most of the online casinos. Ratings, winnings and even the amount of jackpots are exhibited to attract more players.

I’m not into these though, but I can challenge my grandpa in a game of chess. The odds are with me.

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